Rescoring Twin Peaks
Temporality in music has always fascinated me. Michel Chion wrote extensively about temporal vectorization (how sound grounds film in time) and David Lynch so I set out to combine the two.
In Twin Peaks, David Lynch created a timeless hellscape called the Black Lodge. This is my attempt to rescore it. The main motif is a palindrome. Each sound that goes forward, also goes backwards and some give the illusion of timelessness all together.
All music was replaced by me. The sound design was made from found sounds that I recorded in my garage or outside with a field recorder along with my dear friend Oskar Augustsson.
“Boomerang” is a 15 minute piece of multimedia performance art that explores the temporality and narrativization of memory. It wrote it for six people: four spoken word performers, one polaroid photographer, and one guitarist. The story centres around Rose, as she struggles to access and interpret memories from her childhood
It was performed for the first time on the 10th of May in the Creativity Zone at the University of Sussex. It featured spoken word performances from Mathilde Bauer, Patricija Grundstiena, and Mara Natalija Pajevik, along with a pre-recorded voicemail by Nina Kohout. Live photography was by Roscoe Ellis, and guitar playing by me.